by: Maxine Goulding, California Special Occasions

Any event you host or endorse is a direct reflection of your business or company. Before you start planning an event and sending out invitations, you need to know a few things about the meeting industry in general. What exactly is the effort needed and guidelines surrounding the production of a successful event?

Why hold an event? What is your objective?

  • To build brand awareness – It’s focused time you can utilize to build brand awareness around your business with target audiences.
  • To humanize the business – It’s a good time to thank customers and clients for their support and offer to answer any questions they have or help them in some way if you can. People buy from people, so make sure your business real and authentic.
  • To provide networking opportunities – It’s an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals in your industry, and you never know where those relationships may lead!
  • To fundraise – For non-profit and charity organizations events are a perfect way to do drive fundraising efforts. They offer a controlled and focused environment for you to spread the word and incite empathy and curiosity in attendees.
  • To launch a new product or service – New products or services can be showcased in a fun and upbeat atmosphere! A time for demonstrations or give away samples. It gives your potential customers a chance to interact with your product or service in person.

Awards ceremonies are a very common type of event to hold, and a fantastic way to recognize your team or others for their hard work. Recognition is always appreciated, and usually makes for a more loyal team.

  • To offer a face-to-face communication experience – Today we live in a digital world where we are losing that personal, human interaction. The feeling of being in front of someone; having a conversation and sharing a laugh, can’t really be replicated online.