Happy New Year 2019!
It’s an exciting time for New Year resolutions and goals. Whether it’s for your personal or professional life, NAWBO is here to help you. With our Silicon Valley board’s recent retreat, we are re-energized and re-invigorated to do more and be more as defined by our mission and goals for the remainder of our fiscal year ending in June 2019.
First and foremost, however, we are here to serve you as NAWBO members. We would like to hear how we can improve the design of our monthly programs to suit your interests and needs. How about the current format and platform? What about the time of the events and venue? Do any of these continue to be the right fit? We would really like to know so please look out for an upcoming member survey and provide us your much-needed honest comments and feedback, so YOUR VOICE becomes OUR VOICE!
Have you considered serving in one of our committees? Now is a good time to think about it, especially as you turn over a new leaf for the new year. We have our upcoming Crystal Chair Gala Event on April 23rd which attracts over 100 attendees. It would be great if you can help us create and execute another successful event, as we really could not do this without dedicated and hard-working volunteers who help support NAWBO and its board members.
Please reach out to Maxine Goulding, our event planner extraordinaire, who can be reached at events@caspecialoccasions.com or you can see her personally at one of our upcoming NAWBO events.
We look forward to building upon our 2018 accomplishments and making 2019 an extraordinary year, as we evolve to be the best versions of ourselves!