Dear NAWBO Silicon Valley Members & Friends,

Our lives and how we view the world have been forever altered these past two years, but we continue to persevere and approach challenges head on by creating opportunities for growth.

2022 is the Year of the Tiger and by implementing its meaning to our daily lives we too are courageous, enthusiastic, generous, self-confident with a sense of justice, and with a commitment to help others for the greater good.

And to set you on the right path for financial growth, we have two educational programs starting in February with our next in-person event in the spring.

Not a member yet?  Here are the Top 5 reasons to join NAWBO:

  • NAWBO is a 100% investment in you – best business decision you can make in yourself
  • Members say 50% or more of their revenue comes from NAWBO members
  • Access to “member only” benefits for you, employees and family members
  • Opportunity to give back and pave the way for future business owners
  • Join your voice with over 10million women business owners

Together we make a difference!

“Any person who contributes to prosperity must prosper in turn.” – Earl Nightingale

Griselda, Maxine, Flor, Wendy, Marina, Robin, and Lauren