Dear Members and Friends of NAWBO-SV,

We had an amazing time at NAWBO California Propel Your Business Conference in Sacramento. The turnout from our California Chapters was great and it was good to reconnect with our sister Chapters (so much networking went on – yeah!). NAWBO California went all out and put together a fabulous agenda for us this year. They had a lineup of speakers that was outstanding. Besides hearing our very own Jennifer Dizon, NAWBO-CA President, opening up the meeting and other sessions we had, Kathy Warnick, NAWBO National Secretary/Treasurer; Betty Yee, State Controller; Rachel Michelin, ED/CEO, California Women Lead; and many more.
In addition, I want to give thanks to the event committee members for Propel Your Business: Laura Neubauer, Chair NAWBO-CA, Jennifer Dizon, NAWBO-SV, Hilda Kennedy, NAWBO-IE, Tamara Badkerhanian-Ganev, NAWBO SD, Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, NAWBO LA, Lori Kammerer, NAWBO Sacramento, Shaila Mistry, NAWBO OC. Tina Loza, NAWBO IE chaired the Business Woman of the Year Award, and Monica Nainsztein Rodriguez and the NAWBO Sacramento Chapter planned the evening reception.

Thank you NAWBO-CA!

Our next meeting, this month, is a meeting you do not want to miss. We will have Stephanie Nivinskus presenting “How to Tell Your Story and Give Your Small Business a Big Voice”. In addition, a special session will be given by Stephanie on how WE can tell our stories – exciting takeaway.

Our June event will be honoring our Corporate Partners, so this is your chance to meet our partners and network.

In July NAWBO-SV is turning over the President’s gavel over to Monika Miles, President Elect. Monika has planned a new format for some of our meetings and frankly I am excited to be participating – new ideas, new venues and plenty of networking.

I do hope you join us at any or all of these events.

To your success!
Maxine Goulding
NAWBO-SV Chapter President