Dear NAWBO-Silicon Valley Members & Friends,

Our leadership group has asked me to serve another year, and I’m excited to do so. Thank you for the opportunity to lead this wonderful organization again in the upcoming year, which began on July 1. Thank you to outgoing Program Director, Beatrice Schultz for her fabulous service this year in creating our wonderful programs. And please help me in welcoming to the Board our new Program Director, Flor Harris and our new Public Policy Director, Vandana Agrawal. These ladies join Maxine Goulding (Past President), Pam Hedblad (Secretary/Treasurer), Jennifer Dizon (Membership Director), Karen Hebert (Communications Director) and Griselda Quezada-Chavez (International Affairs Director) in the leadership of our organization.

In the spirit of a fiscal new year – I think it’s only fitting to have a new theme. My theme for this year is “Better Together”. What does that mean? And what does it mean for you? Our board of directors will be reaching out to the members of NAWBO-SV to inquire how we can enhance the value of your membership AND how you can help us become even stronger with your increased participation. Sure, we appreciate your dues, but we really want to see more of you – at meetings and special events. Why? Because you add ideas, expertise and experience when you participate at events. Your presence helps encourage other women business owners to show up and to be part of something special. Because we are better together.

NAWBO is an organization founded on the premise of public policy and establishing a place at the table for women business owners. We still do that – at the national, state and local levels. The women who established this organization over 40 years ago blazed a trail for us. And now it is our opportunity to carry that torch and continue blazing the way for ourselves and those that will come behind us. Are you in?

For the first time in many years, we will be hosting a “Signature Event” this fiscal year – in February of 2017. It’s planned to be a gala-type event honoring those who have helped women business owners establish that place at the table. We have a cool and creative theme around it, which we will unveil to you in August. There will be several opportunities for our members to volunteer to be a part of this very special event – including various areas to recognize your business, get in front of sponsors, be nominated for prestigious awards, and to be part of this inaugural event. There’s a reason you joined NAWBO-SV and we’d like to see our entire membership group have a stake in making this event a success and in enhancing the value for each of us to making our entire organization better together. So, don’t wait to be asked (although we will ask!) – if you think you can help make our signature event a huge success, reach out to a board member and share your enthusiasm and willingness to lend a hand. Trust me – you will want to be part of this.

In addition to our Signature Event, we also have really fabulous speakers lined up for this year, along with the continued networking events which our membership has requested. Stay tuned to the newsletters and website for information on how you can help re-invest in NAWBO-SV this upcoming fiscal year to help to continue to make us Better Together!


Monika Miles, 2015-2016 President, NAWBO-SV