Welcome back… we hope you had a wonderful summer.

In August we kickstarted our hybrid programming and are happy to share our first in-person mixer was a success! There was plenty of networking and many happy raffle-prize winners.

Our upcoming events are sure to impress, and we look forward to seeing you.

  • September 21 a virtual Estate Planning Essentials meeting.
  • September 22 our new Revitalize meetup with lunch at the beach or a Redwood hike on ASkyline-to-the-Sea Trail.
  • October 7 is our inaugural Pop-Up event where we take NAWBO to you, hosted by Gioia Company

We are proud to announce our new Chapter Executive Kaity Van Amersfort. Kaity is a seasoned NAWBO advocate and will be managing our back-end processes. Welcome Kaity!!

NAWBO Silicon Valley is dedicated to meeting the needs of our members and corporate partners and is continuously reinventing. We would love to hear your suggestions about topics that are of interest to you as we build our events for the next year.

Together we can make a difference. Be a part of the conversation and join our leadership team or consider a committee member position and remember, we have YOUR seat at the table.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
–Winston Churchill

From your team Griselda, Megan, Marina, Robin, Maxine, Flor, Wendy, and Lauren.