Leena Mendoza

(559) 930-2440
Contact via email

Leena Mendoza is the visionary force behindIntentional Leadership, where her strategic acumenin executive coaching and business consultancy setsher apart. She excels in formulating functionalstrategies that are not only aligned with her clients’business goals but are also designed to significantlyenhance profitability. Her consulting services are inhigh demand, particularly for her ability to act as arobust support resource to management teams.

With a forte in communication, Leena seamlesslyintegrates analytical thinking and problem-solving todeliver superior project management and dataanalysis. Her proficiency in market research andbudgeting is unmatched, making her an invaluableasset to any business aiming to thrive in today’scompetitive environment.

Leena is committed to fostering a culture ofpurposeful action, continuous growth, and ethicalleadership. Her exceptional insight into businessdynamics allows her to unlock pivotal opportunities,propelling organizations toward unprecedentedsuccess.

“I joined NAWBO SV to be amidst trailblazers and visionaries, to both contribute and draw from a wellspring of collective wisdom, and to fortify my journey with the strength of shared experience and unwavering encouragement.”